MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC WD65C9 65″ 16:9 Black DLP Technology 1080p 120Hz Rear Projection HDTV
View stunning high-definition images up to 1080p with this 65″ DLP HDTV that features 3 HDMI inputs for integrating DVD players and other high-definition digital components into your home entertainment center.
Enhance your home theater with Mitsubishi’s large screen 1080p DLP HDTVs. Lightweight and energy efficient. Mitsubishi’s C9 series offers the best value without compromise.
Product Features
- Smooth 120Hz
- Exclusive 6-Color Processor
- Plush 1080p 5G Improved 12-bit Processing
- 3D Ready – 3D video, gaming and dual-screen features require compatible 3D source devices, 3D glasses and IR emitters
- Improved Video Noise Reduction
Technical Details
- Display Area: 65″
- Display Type: DLP
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Resolution: 1920 x 1080
- Screen Refresh Rate: 120Hz
- Signal Compatibility: 1080p
- Input Video Signal: ATSC
- Input Video Signal: QAM
- Input Video Signal: NTSC
- Condition: New
- Speakers: 2
- Inputs: Antenna
- Inputs: Composite
- Inputs: HDMI In
- Inputs: Component
- Outputs: Analog Audio
- Outputs: Digital Audio Out
- HDMI Ports: 3
- Power Consumption: 218W
- Height (inches): 39.5
- Height with Stand (inches): 39.5
- Width (inches): 58.2
- Depth (inches): 16
I bought this TV back in 2010 and paid $899 for it. The reviews said the picture tube would need to be replaced about once a year. I figured that would still be a bargain for a TV that size, at least back then. I know there are less expensive options now. Anyway, the tube lasted 4 years before I had to replace it. I bought a cheap generic for about $30, and it only lasted a couple of weeks. So I bought the one that was about $90, and it has lasted 2 more years so far. Really a great TV, except that it’s about 18 inches thick and needs some air room in the back, which pretty much precludes mounting in on a wall.