Coming Soon To Your Smartphone – 3D Viewing
New technology will soon make it possible to watch 3D movies on your smartphone without straining your eyes.
iPod Television Connector: 6 Steps To Connect Your iPod
With An IPOD television connector, you can be watching on a larger-sized screen in no time! Just follow these 6 easy steps!
Wall Mounting A Flat Panel Television
Buying a new huge diameter flat screen television can be exciting, but many times, when you get it home, you realize that you don’t have a spot to put it.
Wireless Surround Sound – No More Cabling Of Your Speakers?
Are these wireless surround sound kits reliable enough for real-world applications and do they get rid of the dreaded cable clutter?
Tips for Buying LED Televisions
Since the advent of high definition television, there has been a race to better picture quality, resolution, dynamics: basically, everything that enhances the watching experience!
What Do I Need To Think About When Getting A New TV?
If you want a new TV then there is some new technology on the market you really need to consider.
To Mount Your HDTV To The Wall, Know These Steps
Having your flat panel TV on the wall acts as a focal point and it also opens up quite a lot of valuable space in the room.
Wall Installation Mounting Tips
It’s fairly quick to set up your LCD TV installation if you read these tips beforehand to get you started.
Watch TV On Your PC For Free
Provided you have access to broadband Internet you can find software that you can download on your PC that will connect to over 3,500 TV stations from around the globe on-line.